20th Century Studios’ The Creator, the epic sci-fi action thriller directed by Gareth Edwards, which was released in cinemas September 28, will debut Wednesday, January 17 on Disney+.
Heralded as one of the most audacious science fiction films this decade, The Creator stars John David Washington and features a slew of real-life locations, that automatically inject this futuristic tale with an unequivocal mystique.
Packed full of cutting edge FX work, The Creator not only possesses an effortlessly ensemble cast at the peak of their powers but carries a deeply effective moral message beneath its mainstream facade. Factors which go into making The Creator a bold and brilliant piece of tentpole cinema from an underrated auteur in Gareth Edwards (Rogue One).
[Trailer courtesy of Fox Searchlight.]
The Creator will debut Wednesday, January 17 on Disney+.